Sunday, July 3, 2011

Buck Creek One Room Schoolhouse located in Jefferson County, Kansas

Buck Creek School, Former District #43, located in Jefferson County just off
24 Highway at Phillips Road & 13th Street

This is one of the most charming one room schoolhouses I have run across in my travels.

This former one room schoolhouse has been converted into a community center.

In 1883 the school had an attendance of 55 students. In 1898, 62 students
were present and in 1931, 24 students were registered at the school.

This unique school with its Italianate wooden entry tower is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

The school against a beautiful Kansas Sky

The Necessary House


  1. Love you photos. I just this week stumbled across this lovely little schoolhouse during a drive in the country.

  2. My grandfather went to school here, and was born in the farm house just east of the school. Thank you for publishing it.

  3. I'm sorry that the photos are gone from this blog post. I'm hoping they can be replaced at some point.
