Sunday, May 22, 2011

Bourbon County, Garland, Kansas One Room Schoolhouse

This dilapitated one room schoolhouse is located near Garland, Kansas.

The nearest address to the schoolhouse is 2204 Fern Road, Fort Scott, Kansas 66701

The school is located about 8.5 miles south of Fort Scott, the closest intersection is US 69 Hwy. and County Road 56.  Coordinates are N 37 degrees 44.812, W 094 degrees, 42.267.

The schoolhouse is in very poor shape and surrounded by a fence.

With a zoom lens you can still see the bead board on the walls through a huge gaping hole in the side of the building. I have a phobia about looking inside empty buildings.  I think it is because once when peering inside an old building, I saw a dead coyote.  Traumatizing!

The bell tower has seen better days...

The sign above the door is unreadable. I would guess the school was turned into a store of some kind after it's school days were discontinued.

Bell Tower

Overgrown, but still picturesque, one room school.

Do you know anything about this school?  If yes, please e-mail with information.


  1. Hello I just discovered your blog on a one room School house near Fort Scott,Ks
    I have photographed the same school & was wondering if you had ever received any info on it yet & were willing to share?
    I am a photographer of historical & abandoned structures

    Thanks for your time - Johnny Fletcher (psychosaw13)

  2. On my GPS map, this shows as "Standard Schoolhouse". Not sure if that helps or not! LOL

  3. On my GPS map, this shows as "Standard Schoolhouse". Not sure if that helps or not! LOL

  4. My dad went to this school in the 30s

  5. He always called it the one room school house

  6. I believe my grandma attended this school.
